Thursday, 13 October 2016



Earlier this week, precisely on Monday, My Mother, DMSEJO, sent me, POJOMATICS, on an errand to the MARKET. Just before I left, SHE GAVE me a LIST OF ITEMS TO PURCHASE and RESOURCES with which to purchase the items.

 Getting to the market, it was so clouded with individuals from all walks of life. Some Women carried various sizes of tray well balanced on their heads as they call for people to buy their products. A particular Man made different dramatic acts just to get people’s attention so he advertises his product.

       I followed Mum’s instructions by going to specific locations she asked me to go and every point I encountered problems, I placed a call to her and She gave me direction and in few minutes time, I headed back to Mum’s Shop.

       Just as I sat in the Bus that took me back to Mum’s shop, the whole experience became a parable and I felt God speaking to me through my experience.


       Just before God sent you to the world, he had a blueprint of your life with him. He knew all you needed for the journey, he foresaw all the economic recessions that you will experience, he knew the exact family to project the purpose he has in mind for you. All he did was to plant all the resources you needed, he gave you a list of items to come home with, he gave you the strategy with which to do the business he entrusted to you.

       At your arrival on planet earth, God expects you to reconnect to him so as to start the discovery process of all he buried in you. He expects you to trade with the resources he gave you so as to achieve all he has intended you to do. He expects you to come up with various strategies with which to solve life’s problems. And at the end of your life’s journey, your works will go back home with you—those are the items you are required to go home with (Rev.14:13).

       The whole concept of life is RE-CONNECTION TO GOD, DISCOVERY OF PURPOSE AND TALENT, DEVELOPMENT OF TALENT/STRATEGIC PLANNING TOWARDS ACHIEVEMENT OF PURPOSE, DEPLOYMENT OF TALENT/IMPACT, ESTABLISHMENT OF THE KINGDOM AND FULFILLMENT. Just before you leave this market called life, make sure to fulfill the reason why you were sent down to earth

       Do have a fruitful day.

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